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A bold, bright energy future

We deliver the energy people need every day – safely, innovatively, responsibly, collaboratively and with integrity. We are a vital part of everyday life, 以可持续的方式为数百万人的生活提供能源.

Embracing the energy transition

我们的愿景是在今天和未来成为北美首屈一指的能源基础设施公司. 这一未来包括拥抱正在进行的能源转型,并为低碳能源世界做出贡献.

我们认为,当今的能源行业必须发挥积极主动的作用,推动变革,帮助实现各国的气候目标. At the same time, 我们必须确保不断增长的人口继续拥有维持生活质量所需的能源——我们的交通, agriculture, health care, education, and economic prosperity all depend on access to safe, reliable and affordable energy.

我们的业务处于有利地位,能够抓住全球能源转型带来的激动人心的机遇. We also recognize the importance of current energy systems and infrastructure. 能源预测显示,天然气和液体能源将在2050年后发挥至关重要的作用. Our existing assets will remain an essential element of these energy systems, providing an unparalleled base from which we will grow and evolve.


Strategic priorities


An industry-leading safety record. A 99.999% safe delivery rate. And we still believe we can do better. 严格的训练和应急准备意味着我们总是为不可能发生的事情做好准备.

Economic success

Since 2000, we have grown our asset base from $25 billion to over $100 billion. At the same time, we have delivered a 11 per cent average annual total shareholder return, with a sustainable and growing dividend.

Protecting the environment

Our ongoing goal is to responsibly manage our environmental footprint. That means we are always working to reduce our land consumption and water use, and investing in low or emission-less energy sources.


Supporting communities

积极地为我们生活和工作的社区做贡献对我们来说很重要. That’s why in 2021 we invested more than C$21.600万美元用于1000多个社区的2080多个不同计划或奖学金获得者.


Growth plan

Our portfolio of complementary infrastructure assets, 此外,还有310亿美元的担保增长项目,以及一系列正在开发的项目, are expected to support annual dividend growth of three to five per cent. 我们完全有能力驾驭不断变化的能源和商业环境以及能源格局. With continued expected growth in each of our business lines, we expect to continue to grow our business for decades to come, delivering growing returns to our investors.



Tech & innovation

我们致力于通过研发提高能源部门的可持续性&D) and innovation investments.

In the last five years, TC Energy has invested more than $125 million in technology development, 支持内部研究项目以及合作伙伴关系——这是一项全面回报的投资. 我们的创新项目在提高行业安全性和效率方面得到全球认可.

For instance, TC Energy has been 以其在电磁声换能器(EMAT)在线检测工具开发方面的领导地位而闻名 通过2018年在卡尔加里举行的国际管道会议(IPC)上的美国机械工程师学会(ASME)全球管道奖,努力提高全行业的安全性和可靠性.

In 2021, we 因开发新的缺陷评估方法而获得了全球管道奖 该技术改进了目前的评估方法,从而改进了腐蚀管理程序,从而提供更好的失效预测和改进的完整性响应.